How do I set up a Direct Download connection to Prudential Retirement?

Some users have reported difficulty setting up a connection to Prudential Retirement via Direct Download. Until our engineers are able to resolve the issue, the following workaround should allow you to set up a connection successfully:

  1. Select your account and choose Account > Set Up Online Access.
  2. Select “Prudential Retirement” in the bank list and select Direct Download as the connection method. Hold the “Option” key on your keyboard while you click “Next.”
  3. Another screen will appear with the “INVESTMENT” account option. Click this to select it, then hold “Option” and click “Next” again.
  4. On the next screen, you should see 3 fields: Account Number, PIN, and Account Number again. Please enter information into those fields using the following format:

Account Number: Enter your Prudential Retirement User ID
PIN: Enter your Prudential Retirement password
Account Number: Enter this Account Number as follows: ######X000000X####. The account number consists of the plan # followed by a capital X, the subplan # followed by a capital X (if there is no subplan, use 000000), then the last 4 digits of the account owner’s social security number.

That should allow you to connect! If you continue to have difficulty with this institution, please don’t hesitate to contact us for assistance.