International Currencies

Multi-currency, international stock exchanges – Banktivity works in many countries.

Multi Currencies!

Track your finances accurately across multiple currencies


Download Exchange Rates

Banktivity can automatically download exchange rates from over 30 of the world's most common currencies. You can also enter exchange rates manually.

Transactions in Different Currencies

Accurately track transfers between accounts in different currencies with transaction-level exchange rates.

Connect to Banks in the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and More

Banktivity can connect to over 15,000 different banks, many of them outside the United States.

Multi currency
Transfer between accounts in different currencies is easy and flexible.
Multi currency
Transferring between accounts in different currencies is easy and flexible.
Multi currency
Set the exchange rate on a per-transaction basis.
Multi currency
Manage and see all of your currencies.

Ready to manage your multi-currency accounts?

Get your free 30-day trial

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