11 articles Banktivity 6

Where can I download Banktivity/iBank for Mac? And which version of macOS is supported?

The latest version of Banktivity (9) can be downloaded using the following link: Banktivity 9 (for use with macOS 10.15 (Catalina)- macOS14 (Sonoma) The following links can be used to download older versions of Banktivity/iBank for Mac*: Banktivity 8 (for use with macOS 10.15, mac OS 11, macOS 12 & macOS 13) Banktivity 7 (for…

Why have my Bank of America accounts stopped updating via legacy direct access?

Bank of America recently stopped supporting the older legacy direct access connection method and now only supports the open banking method. You must be running version 8.7.5 or later in order to connect via direct access to Bank of America. To fix this in version 8.7.5 or later, you will need to take all Bank of America…

Can I still get Banktivity 7 or another older version?

Banktivity 7 and our older Mac versions are no longer for sale because we have officially ceased development of them. If you have previously purchased Banktivity 7 or an older version and need a download link to reinstall, you can find all of those older versions here: https://www.banktivity.com/support/articles/ibank-5/where-can-i-download-ibank-for-mac/

Fidelity and Vanguard blocking DA from 8 am – 5 pm, ET.

Both Fidelity Investments and Vanguard are blocking our aggregator during the hours of 8 am and 5 pm, ET. Fidelity blocks Yodlee IPs between (05:00 – 08:00 PST and 12:00 – 14:00 PST), due to US market volatility. Any refresh triggered during these hours will fail.

Direct Access v1 Subscription Time No Longer for Sale

In August of 2021, we announced that we would begin the process of sunsetting Direct Access 1. This is the version of Direct Access used in Banktivity versions 5, 6 and 7. One of the steps in this process is to stop allowing purchases of Direct Access subscription time in our older versions of Banktivity…

Schwab requires Direct Access. OFX/Direct Connect is no longer an available option.

Updated: November 11, 2020 Schwab has discontinued support for its legacy OFX/Direct Connect server. We’ve been communicating with them over the last few weeks and they will not grant us an exception for two main reasons: 1) our app makes a connection directly from your computer to their server – as expected for the OFX…

Error saying the app can’t be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software.

Sometimes when installing apps you may experience an error when attempting to open the app that says the app can’t be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software. Or it may say can’t be opened because it was not downloaded from the App Store. In either case you should be able to open…

Affinity Plus CU no longer supports OFX/Direct Connect

Affinity Plus CU no longer supports Direct Connect. They have moved exclusively to Web Connect and Express Web Connect. As a result, the listing for Affinity Plus CU will no longer be available in Banktivity. You can read more about their move away from Direct Connect on their website here: https://www.affinityplus.org/tools-support/old-online-banking-help/quicken You should be able…

TD Bank: directions for enabling OFX importing

The following directions are for new Banktivity users and for users that were previously able to import transactions from TD Bank using Direct Connect/Bill Pay. Log in to your TD Bank account online Go to Account Options Select Account Services Go to Manage Financial Tool Access Allow Quicken Windows 2016 That’s it! TD Bank now…

Import Rule setting for a payee that changes based on date, location, etc…

There may be cases where you shop at the same store but at different locations or cases where the payee name includes the date of the transaction when downloading. In these cases your Import Rules may not match the next transaction and apply categories for you automatically. You could set the Regular Expressions (RegEx) code…